An alternative to conventional “domed” skylights that require flashing and protrude mushroom-like from the roof, the Tilevents are moulded from clear or opal acrylic in 11 different profiles to match most popular cement and terracotta roof.

AC Acrylic Tilevent Profile Chart

  1. Terra Cotta Small Marseilles Prior 1966
  2. Shingle by Whitelaw/Shingle by Monier.
  3. Terra Cotta Large Wunderlich Modern French.
  4. Monier 100/Whitelaw Villa/Tudor.
  5. Shingle by Atlas.
  6. Roman by Monier.
  7. Slimline by Atlas/Reliance.
  8. Elebana by Monier.
  9. Yeoman by Atlas (3 Tiles wide).
  10. Ranch by Whitelaw.
  11. Centurion by Monier/Colourtile.
  • All profiles in clear or opal acrylic sheet.
  • All Tilevent profiles in double only.
  • Ceiling Diffusers also available with or without T section frame.